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  1. P

    Security issue: Spam over /index.php/lists/XYZ/subscribe

    Hi, we have spam issues over a certain URL because it allows direct POST-Requests. The system has the ability to create subscribe forms. All these forms post their data to this URL: "/index.php/lists/XYZ/subscribe". The issue with that is, that bots easily mass-post email addresses to that URL...
  2. P

    Issue with remote content and recurring campaign

    Hi Guys, we use the function [REMOTE_CONTENT url='...'] in combination with a recurring campaign. The remote content is updated weekly and the campaign will be sent every week. Our problem is the step when the content is fetched. This should be the step, where the recurring campaign will be...
  3. P

    Twig not rendering in Web-Version

    I'm creating an newsletter with a personalized salutation and a fallback if the name of the subscriber is not set. {% if FNAME and LNAME %}Dear [FNAME] [LNAME]{% else %}Dear Sir or Madam{% endif %} So far so good. The salutation shows correctly in the Newsletter-Mail itself but the webversion...