Unsubscribe Link in a beefree.io template


I am creating a template in beefree.io . What's the best way to add unsubscribe so it links to my mailwhizz? do I just insert [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] where it says link type then URL in beefree.io?

Thank you!
I am creating a template in beefree.io . What's the best way to add unsubscribe so it links to my mailwhizz? do I just insert [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] where it says link type then URL in beefree.io?
Yes , this is what you need to do. Bellow one picture for example how is used in our template builder.
Screenshot 2021-05-18 at 10.33.16.png
Ok So I can do this same thing in beefree.io and it will know to unsubscribe from our mailwhizz platform? I will try it in the am thank you.