Forward to a friend report KO - FIXED


New Member
I am sending a test campaign to one of my gmail account = works well (tracking opens, links, bounce (tested that too)), but forwarding the email to my other gmail acccount = nothing in the dashboard (/customer/index.php/campaigns/.../reports/forward-friend).

How does it work behind the scene ?
@laurentiu Are we talking about the same report? Like I said, I forwarded the received campaign to other gmail account, opened it, clicked on it, but still nothing in the Forward to a friend report.
Are we talking about the same report? Like I said, I forwarded the received campaign to other gmail account, opened it, clicked on it, but still nothing in the Forward to a friend report.
I tested and all it's ok in my campaign reports as you can see in bellow picture:
Screenshot 2021-02-18 at 17.41.28.png

Are you sure you're looking at the correct campaign ?
Laurent, thank you for taking the time, I now understand how it works. You need to add the tag: [FORWARD_FRIEND_URL] and not simply forward the email using any mail client (ie: in gmail forward). Right?
Laurent, thank you for taking the time, I now understand how it works. You need to add the tag: [FORWARD_FRIEND_URL] and not simply forward the email using any mail client (ie: in gmail forward). Right?
You need to add Tag [FORWARD_FRIEND_URL] in your template, this tag will generate a url if you click on that url you will be redirect to a page and from there you can redirect to which email address you want.
Screenshot 2021-02-19 at 18.04.47.png

Forward page will be like this:

Screenshot 2021-02-19 at 18.06.55.png