@twisted1919, Thanks for all the support & service. Just for your convenience I grouped all required or important request together. You must have the listed features & improvements in your next Mailwizz release. 
LAST UPDATED ON 02ND MARCH 2016 FOR @twisted1919

1) Registration:
3) SPAM Score, but with details - words, etc.
4) Import, as it shows error "Not Found"
5) Search Facility
7) Allow "Available Tags" to be used in the Reply To field so that different email addresses can be specified based on the subscriber it's being sent to. - @Mike Darling
8) Fancy sending to multiple lists (without creating a new merged list) - @Tantan
NEW FEATURES:- Choose package at the time of customer registration
- Enter Phone or Mobile No at the time of customer registration mandatory
2) Customer Quota check before sending campaign- Enter Phone or Mobile No at the time of customer registration mandatory
3) SPAM Score, but with details - words, etc.
4) Import, as it shows error "Not Found"
5) Search Facility
- Backend:
- Frontend:
6) MailWizz own Drag & Drop builder, because as a user I will never purchase third party solution.For all field in Delivery & Bounce Logs
In Delivery Report for Email Id, as for Status it's already there.
7) Allow "Available Tags" to be used in the Reply To field so that different email addresses can be specified based on the subscriber it's being sent to. - @Mike Darling
8) Fancy sending to multiple lists (without creating a new merged list) - @Tantan
- Add/Deduct Email Credits in Customer Account without changing Group
- Customer notifications based on quota/email balance - 50%, 10% and 0%, something like Interspire.
- Social Share Email
- A/B Split Test
- Multiple Customer access to one list/campaign (not only with sub accounts)
- Sub Accounts
- Admin access to all Lists
- End User Blacklist Removal Request
- Filter subscriber who is not open campaign
- Unsubscribe via email reply
- Custom fields
- Logs deletion after 30 days or custom date set by admin automatically.
- Admin can restrict certain customers to view reports or export reports in campaign overview. - @Syed
- Admin can restrict subscribers view/details for certain customers. - @Syed
- Bulk-unsubscribe users via CSV - @bidorbuy
- Bounce Processing directly via PMTA Log files or WebAPIs - @pradeep sharma
- Stats of Mailbox Provider - Track the performance of your messages at Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail. Something like SendGrid.
- Stats of Device - Find out what your recipients are using to engage with your email.
- Click Mapping in reports of the campaign - @Syed
- FBL Report Separately
- Groups of Lists - @Diego
- Basic Stats at the List of Campaigns - @Diego
- Add Web API for sendinblue.com - @Martino Hugo
- 2-Factor Verification - @Ankit
- Filtering top performers (clicks/opens) per list or across all lists. - @VVT
- Much detailed subscriber status (Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Bounced, FBL reported, Blacklisted) - @VVT
- Removing global blacklist. Instead, bounce flagging should be customer level (No ESPs keep bounce history for individual customers globally I guess - no need to keep a separate list of bounces and waste space/processing power unnecessarily, instead the checks can be done against bounced ids in the lists owned by the same customer if needed. It's the responsibility of end customer to maintain teh cleanliness of the list). Then add a global and customer level suppression list (csv upload) + regex based global blacklisting. - @VVT
- An intelligent reputation monitoring system. It should consider bounces, unsubscribes, fbl complaints, abuse reports via app, click rate, open rate. Ex - global acceptable bounce rate is <3-5% and fbl is <1-3% . And list the abusers in ascending/descending order - this is helpful to find out the rotten one from a bucket of good tomatoes ! - @VVT
- A survey or a paid survey integration. - @VVT
LAST UPDATED ON 02ND MARCH 2016 FOR @twisted1919

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