Who is the path?


Where the zip file of an export from a list of subscribers is stored, I tried to export several times the base but the file is intercepted by the internet download manager and I aborted it ... for more that deactivated this extension of the browser always me intercepts, I do not want to uninstall the download manager because I really need it, this is why I would like to know the path to find this file via ftp and to be able to download it ... thanks
Where the zip file of an export from a list of subscribers is stored, I tried to export several times the base but the file is intercepted by the internet download manager and I aborted it ... for more that deactivated this extension of the browser always me intercepts, I do not want to uninstall the download manager because I really need it, this is why I would like to know the path to find this file via ftp and to be able to download it ... thanks
# export via gui creates files on the fly (w/ path structure: /customer/lists/ya456we78us9i/export/csv_download), but they are not stored there
# export via cli creates the files where you specify
php -q /path/to/apps/console/console.php list-export --list_uid=2ah12s1s23dts --segment_uid=13fann765en98 --folder_path=/path/where/to/save/files/on/server