
New Member
Before I ask my question. I love the software. Already sent out around 15K emails and now am getting ready for the bulk of my sending. These are my emails collected over the last 5 years - so quite a few. So here goes . . .

When I upload to my Webmin/Virtualmin mysql database from command line, I get speeds like this:

Query OK, 1033263 rows affected (11.95 sec)
Query OK, 589549 rows affected (3.19 sec)

But when I upload a CSV file into Mailwizz through Direct, or Queue, or DATABASE upload from the same server, it takes days for 1M. Why?? (all cleaning, spam, and virus filters are turned off - I clean separately using a different server - and I have plenty of RAM and using a SSD with lots of storage.)

I don't really want an upload feature to simply upload in the background, I want to know where the database resides so I can upload to it immediately through CLI like I can with every other mysql or mariadb databases. Can you tell me where Mailwizz stores its subscribers' files so I can upload them directly?? Is this an upcoming feature? It seems there are a good many threads on slow upload speeds but I cannot find a thread on solution.


When you insert via mysql directly, it's just a blind insert, no checks, no time limits, of course it is fast.
When you import via the app, is much slower for many reasons, first being the number of checks where we need to make sure all things are in place, duplicates are not allowed, custom fields are being created, and so on.
If importing is slow, you can add more RAM to the server to make it faster, or simply queue it and let it work until is done.