Unsubscribe/subscribe again issue.


When someone unsubscribes and subscribes again, he does not receive emails from us, is there trick to solve this? Thank you!
I just took a look in the code and found:
// 1.4.0
if ($existingSubscriber->status == ListSubscriber::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED) {
Which basically means, if the subscriber has the status of unsubscribed, in this case it is marked as unconfirmed, the history of the action renewed and the subscriber is redirected to the "subscribe-back" action which looks like:
// since 1.9.28
if ($do === 'subscribe-back' && $list->opt_in === Lists::OPT_IN_DOUBLE) {
    $this->callbacks->_sendSubscribeConfirmationEmail(new CEvent($this->callbacks, [
        'instances'     => [],
        'subscriber'    => $subscriber,
        'list'          => $list,
        'action'        => 'subscribe',
Which means the email is queued for confirmation if the list uses double opt in.
Ok I just tested, on MW v2, when I unsubscribe and subscribe again(single opt-in), I do not receive emails. I stay as unsubscribed :(
I just tried now and could not reproduce the issue.
Do you unsubscribe from the list directly, in the public site? Or from a campaign link?
I opt-in on public page, then unsubscribe by clicking on link in email, then op-tin again at public page. I stay as unsubscribed in list.
I created a campaign, sent it and unsubscribed, then from same screen, followed the instructions to re-subscribe, which lead me back to the subscription page with all my info filled in already, I clicked submit and I was marked as subscribed.
I just cant replicate this, sorry.
Can you include test-gm4udmngj@srv1.mail-tester.com in your email campaign, send it, then let me know, so I do the same steps?
Unsubscribing, then re-subscribing will not trigger autoresponders because that subscriber already received them, so there are logs in the database that prevent this behavior. This is not a new subscriber, it is the same subscriber that received the previous autoresponders.