Text size in Mobile and Non HTML version


A little bit confused with the editor, not sure which version is prevails when I go to source code and add the Styles for the text size when opened in mobile.
If I have the blocks already done, I go to source, add the STYLE and come back, which version is prevailing?
Also, the non HTML version inside every campaign seems not to be updating, I use to delete all the content there every time, is that the way of doing it?
Detailed explanation would be more than great!
Detailed explanation would be more than great!
If you start build with template builder then you need to use only builder to make your template, because editor where you see source and template builder they are totally separate you cannot create with the builder, then edit with ckeditor then expect to see the edits in the builder, it does not work like this.
Not sure if I understood. I make my template with code, then use template when launching a campaign, then the mail sent is the one outside the builder, am I right?
Also, what about the plain version, seems not to be updated...
Not sure if I understood. I make my template with code, then use template when launching a campaign, then the mail sent is the one outside the builder, am I right?
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean.

Also, what about the plain version, seems not to be updated...
This will be fixed in the next release.
OK, regarding the editor, to sum up, I have two options, the block editor and the HTML editor, which one of the two versions is sent as an email? I guess that is the one that's chosen in the last moment, am I right?

-This will be fixed in the next release. -> Cool!