SwiftMailer -> Symfony Mailer


Hello @twisted1919 , if possible, I'd like to get some information about what changing from SwiftMailer to Symfony Mailer will affect.

Initially I thought this was just for system email notifications to admins and such...

However, after reading something in the message board, it could potentially break a co nnectino to SES and other SMTP servers (like PMTA, etc...)

I wouldn't' know what to do if something breaks, so can I please have some steps I can follow to TEST the delivery servers and fix them if they break? I use SES, ElasticEmail and Green Arrow Engine as SMTP servers.


This will only affect SMTP connection since the API connections will use their own libraries.
However, since the results of changing this will vary from case to case, I advise either trying on a test install, or enable it before sending a campaign and see how that works. Or don't enable it at all if you're using a PHP version < 8.0.
Hi @twisted1919 thanks for this. I am confused, though. WE run PHP Version 7.4.28.

What does that mean for us? You said...

"Or don't enable it at all if you're using a PHP version < 8.0".

Does that mean we don't have to do anything and all will be well?

We're just not sure what is happening here, and what we need to do... thank you for any guidance!

We do use SMTP connections to Green Arrow Engine - our main SMTP server.

@eggerda - the reason we added this notice is that swiftmailer is deprecated, and it does not work properly with PHP >= 8.0.
Because of this, in the next major version of MailWizz, which will require PHP > 8.x most likely, we will remove swiftmailer and only use symfonymailer, so basically if you remove it from now, you prepare yourself for future.
However, because we don't break compatibility, MailWizz 2.x will keep using swiftmailer, so you are fine keeping it if you stay on php 7.x and mailwizz 2.x

Does it make more sense now?
@twisted1919 it does make sense. Thank you. This will be a very sensitive process for us. When do you expect the next major release to come out - timeline? (I always wait for a few months after the release to upgrade, to be safe, and because it takes time and resources on this end to upgrade, test, etc, etc...especially moving to PHP 8+. Let me know...

It's good to know we are OK now and don't need to do anything drastic yet. Thank you!