Susbcribers Starting in a later step of the Automation


New Member
Hi guys

I have a question:

Is it possible to import susbcribers to an automation but later in flow?

I mean, the automation can have 10 emails and I want to import subscribers starting in the 3rd email of the sequence.

How can I do that?

This is a tricky one, and currently I don't think it is possible, since your trigger is "After-Subscribe" and then a number of days, and if you include imported subscribers, which you should in this case, then once you import them, they'll start receiving the AR as they are newly subscribed.
You can, however, use segmentation for autoresponders, and based on some custom fields, you can target those subscribers in the right AR sequence. For example, you can have a custom field called SEQUENCE_NUM which should default to a value of your choicem depending how you design this. Then you create segments around this field, like first sequence targets a segment of newly added subscribers having SEQUENCE_NUM >= x, then second one where SEQUENCE_NUM >= y, etc. Then it is a matter of just setting the right SEQUENCE_NUM on the subscribers you import. I haven't tested this, but it should work... with some proper testing.