Subscriber Count


Does anyone know if there is an easy way to change the way subscriber count is calculated? I see that subscriber are counted with all contacts included, we would like it to only count active subscribers like other bulk email vendors do.
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In the list overview, the subscribers box has two counters, one for all subscribers and one for only confirmed ones.
The smaller print counter shows confirmed subscribers while the larger print counter show all of them.
When looking at the list of email lists, in the subscribers count column, the first number is for confirmed subscribers while the second is for all of them.
Remember, these stats are cached, not always up-to-date.
The smaller print counter shows confirmed subscribers while the larger print counter show all of them.
When looking at the list of email lists, in the subscribers count column, the first number is for confirmed subscribers while the second is for all of them.
Remember, these stats are cached, not always up-to-date.

I am talking about the numbers that are used for billing . the active total on this account is 4613 but the Subscribers in account usage shows 4993 which will be used for billing. Is there a way to change this?

I see, that was not clear from your initial question, sorry.
There's no way to only count against confirmed subscribers, we currently can only count all of them. If you want this, you'll need to custom code it.

As a note, even if subscribers are unconfirmed, they are kept in the system and they take space, they should be charged for, otherwise, just remove them entirely from the lists.
I see, that was not clear from your initial question, sorry.
There's no way to only count against confirmed subscribers, we currently can only count all of them. If you want this, you'll need to custom code it.

As a note, even if subscribers are unconfirmed, they are kept in the system and they take space, they should be charged for, otherwise, just remove them entirely from the lists.

Do you know how long it should roughly take to make a change like this and will it will be doable without changing the core files? We are really looking to only charge for subscribed contacts as this is the norm when it come to subscriber billing.
Do you know how long it should roughly take to make a change like this and will it will be doable without changing the core files? We are really looking to only charge for subscribed contacts as this is the norm when it come to subscriber billing.
I just took a look in the code and without some work from our side you won't get far related to this particular feature.
What we can do is to do some refactoring on the area where counting of these subscribers happen and then give you the ability to programatically hook into it and change the criteria used to count the subscribers.
I have just opened an issue on our tracker to do this, but I can't promise anything related to when we will reach the task and implement it.