Requesting help, I want to manage smtp through mailwizz instead of building smtp myself!


New Member
我想通过 mailwizz 进行可视化发送,我已经购买了 aws 和 brevo smtp,我该怎么做?我是否还需要继续进行托管 vps 设置和教学?
I want to send visually via mailwizz, I have already purchased aws and brevo smtp, how can I do this? Do I still need to continue with the hosting vps setup and teaching?
If you have Amazon SES or Brevo smtp already, it is not mandatory to build an smtp yourself.

Firstl, your Mailwizz app needs to be hosted on a server.
Then create a delivery server and select brevo or amazon as your delivery type.
Configure the server with your Amazon or Brevo smtp or api credentials.