postmaster spike in spam rate but no compaints reported with mailwizz


New Member
I am sending an average 300-500 daily emails for one month now to a list of 2000 emails from a single IP. My average spam rate is was 0% for more than one month.
Two days ago I noticed on google postmaster a spike of 7.8% spam rate reported on the 4th of august. When I checked mailwizz campaign dashboard I found zero reported complaints.

My setup is good, dkim, dmarc. and I send to only subscribed users. Direct unsubscribe link is available in the body of my email.

What does those numbers mean and shall I be worried?
what do I need to change?

Is it a shared environment or dedicated like VPS?

If shared, then it may not be you directly, but the shared IP is marked as spammy. Try to get a dedicated IP and then do a warmup for the IP. Check with Google Postmaster to see your numbers. Only other way is to check the bounce messages if you have any.
I see thank you Mike!
Indeed it's a shared IP. My volume are still low for a dedicated IP. However I'll keep an eye on this.