Plain Text Email not Edited with Html Mail


When I COPY a campaign to keep the settings and just change the email body then the plain text email is not getting edited with the html email.

Is there a way to auto-update the plain text emails?

Because now I have to edit all the plain text emails by hand, and although this is just copy - paste except for the links it takes quite some additional time
and if I have two or three links in one email then it becomes a nuisance quickly.

Any ideas? Thxs, help appreciated
I tried what you suggested several times but it does not refill the empty plain text.
What could be going wrong?
I tried what you suggested several times but it does not refill the empty plain text.
What could be going wrong?

Have you tried (in campaign setup, template step):
show plain text, mark all, delete all, save and exit
scroll to bottom, click on template (so it goes back to that step)
show plain text (and it is still wrong or empty)?

After the above steps, mine was regenerated.