Outdated documentation on bounce processing


New Member
I'm troubleshooting some issues with bounce processing and I noticed that Mailwizz is not generating some expected headers, at least according to the documentation:
https://www.mailwizz.com/kb/seems-that-bounces-arent-processed-what-can-i-do/ :

X-Campaign-Uid: 13CharsHash
X-Subscriber-Uid: 13CharsHash

but it seems like that lists a related change:
--- Version 2.1.0 - 2022-01-10
[RMV] - Removed all custom headers used to identify a campaign / subscribers, we're using the Message-Id header now

So which one is it? I guess the documentation was not updated and the message detection now purely relies no Message-ID only.
I can see that now. Thanks for the update, but perhaps the part about the stripping the header could've stayed. It's still quite important that Message-Id header is present.