Mandrill Web API Not Supported in MailWizz v2


Hey everyone,

I recently upgraded to MailWizz v2 and noticed that the Mandrill Web API is no longer supported. In v1, I was able to use it without any issues, but now it seems like the only available option is SMTP.

Does anyone know if there’s a workaround for this or if there are plans to bring back Mandrill API support in future updates? I prefer using the API over SMTP for better tracking and performance.

Would appreciate any insights or suggestions!

Thanks for the clarification. However, since Mandrill Web API is working fine in MailWizz v1, removing it entirely in v2 without a direct replacement is problematic for users who rely on it.

If there’s no way to enable it in v2, it looks like my only option is to roll back to v1, which isn’t ideal but necessary for my setup.

Would it be possible to release an optional plugin for Mandrill API, even if it’s not officially supported? That way, users who still need it can take responsibility for their own testing and implementation.

Looking forward to your thoughts.