Mailwizz API

I am trying to create a subscriber and want to confirm the email ID of customer.
Suppose I have a thousands of email ID and we can't reach to users to guide and ask them to click on the mail and make it subscribe.
Is their any API to make a status as "confirmed" in bulk for customer emailID ??

Is their any API to make a status as "confirmed" in bulk for customer emailID ??
You can insert confirmed status
$response = $endpoint->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', [
    'EMAIL'    => '',
    'FNAME'    => 'John',
    'LNAME'    => 'Doe Updated',
    'details'  => [
        'status' => 'confirmed'

So in postman you need to add like this:
details[status]: confirmed
Since version 2.5.7 you can test the API calls using the OpenApi docs, accessible here: (`/api/index.php/docs`)

Share me the Query Parameters or the data which will contains in form -data:
This is data which you need to send in body:
template[name] = 'The name of the template'
template[content] = 'base64 encoded html'

If you have one archive with a template then add the path to that template using archive: template[archive]
Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 11.21.12.png

Also you can see all api endpoints and requests body using this: /api/index.php/docs (https://your-domain/api/index.php/docs)