How to implement Html forms with Unbounce


New Member
So I'm using unbounce to collect leads and I'm trying to send those leads to mailwizz via Form POST method.

I've been following this tutorial

but unfortunately, it's not working yet. I'm getting redirected to my thank you page but no subscriber is added to the list.

Maybe it's because unbounce's button name="" doesn't match mailwizz's button name?

Thanks for your help in advance! :)
Looking at your form, the form target is set to "/fsg?pageId=2d092616-79e0-40c3-802c-2a400d151700&variant=b"
This means the system you are using is responsible for posting the data to your mailwizz page, if you are sure they do, then maybe your mailwizz page has some fields which are required but they are not properly sent, or they are not valid when they are sent, so check that as well.
From our point of view, if you post the data to a MailWizz form, it will work just fine, as long as you post the data the form expects.
Thanks for your help. So your "as long as you post the data the form expects" made me take another look and it's working now. :) So in case anyone runs into the same problem:

In mailwizz you have this part of the form which is a really long alphanumeric code.


<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true">
            <input type="text" name="4234hj3k5hj34h5j34h534h534234hj3k5hj34h5j34h534h53" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="4234hj3k5hj34h5j34h534h534234hj3k5hj34h5j34h534h53" value="" />

You have to include this as a hidden field and set "field name and ID" to said code. Look below

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-03 um 09.56.43.png

My mistake was, I put the code into the "Default Value" field as well (since I thought this equals the "autocomplete" setting from the form code. Well, it doesn't and you have to leave that blank for it to work.

So if you follow that tutorial from above, set all the fields correctly, like Twisted1919 mentioned, it should work - no problem. Have a great day!