How to Generate Verification Code/Verification Email?

Ray Li


I would like to integrate MailWizz with my app and use MailWizz to send transactional emails instead of Mailgun. Could I have some advice on how to generate verification emails/verification codes? I would like some advice on what MailWizz callbacks there are and where/when I should connect into MailWizz.

Here are my 2 usage scenarios:
1. User inputs their email into my app and a confirmation email is generated/sent to the user. When the user clicks the confirm button in the email, they are added to a confirmed list and a PHP script writes to my app database that they are authorized.
2. User inputs their email into my app and an email is generated with a random authorization code. The code is stored in my app database. This way, when the user enters the code into my app, my app checks the database to see if the code is correct.

The two main areas I am a bit unclear about is:
1. In scenario 1, how can I get the confirm click when the user clicks the confirm button in the email? Also, how do I structure the campaign so that it can send multiple emails to the same user because they might need to be authorized more than once. I don't think an autoresponder works because that only sends emails once.
2. How do I put a generated code into an email? I will probably need to create a custom tag but how do I make sure that the correct code is tied to to correct email? Would I use hooks here?

If anybody has created this, I would be interested in purchasing that code. Come on, something this essential, somebody has to have created this!
1. User inputs their email into my app and a confirmation email is generated/sent to the user. When the user clicks the confirm button in the email, they are added to a confirmed list and a PHP script writes to my app database that they are authorized.
This can be done with some integration tools (mentioned in the third party section of the forum), using the 'confirmed' variable.

2. User inputs their email into my app and an email is generated with a random authorization code. The code is stored in my app database. This way, when the user enters the code into my app, my app checks the database to see if the code is correct.
Same as above, but with variable 'subscriber ID'.

The above are just two immediate ideas, but you can create more complex and separate solutions.
This can be done with some integration tools (mentioned in the third party section of the forum), using the 'confirmed' variable.

Same as above, but with variable 'subscriber ID'.

The above are just two immediate ideas, but you can create more complex and separate solutions.
Thanks for the reply. I looked through all the posts on the Third Party section but could not find what you are referring to. Do you have a link to those integration tools?