Fixed my bot signup issue / how to prevent bot attacks on forms


New Member
Hi guys,

Just thought I'd post this here in case anyone else was having an issue with spam bots signing up to their forms.

I figured out what was causing the issue in my case.

It turns out that when I was embedding my forms, I stripped out a line of code that looks like this:

<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true">
<input type="text" name="718fae6cbc70ec39adfa14f49e4155bb607279c5" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="718fae6cbc70ec39adfa14f49e4155bb607279c5" value=""/>

I thought it was just some kind of styling element, so I didn't put it in the forms on my site. Big mistake!

I recently found out this line is actually a "honeypot" to prevent bot signups.

Since putting this line back into my forms, it seems to have completely stopped all bot signups.

I was getting roughly a dozen attempted bot signups per day before, but now I don't seem to be getting any. So I can personally confirm this honeypot works well!

So if anyone is having an issue with weird bot signups, make sure to check that your embedded forms contain this line.

Hi guys,

Just thought I'd post this here in case anyone else was having an issue with spam bots signing up to their forms.

I figured out what was causing the issue in my case.

It turns out that when I was embedding my forms, I stripped out a line of code that looks like this:

<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true">
<input type="text" name="718fae6cbc70ec39adfa14f49e4155bb607279c5" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="718fae6cbc70ec39adfa14f49e4155bb607279c5" value=""/>

I thought it was just some kind of styling element, so I didn't put it in the forms on my site. Big mistake!

I recently found out this line is actually a "honeypot" to prevent bot signups.

Since putting this line back into my forms, it seems to have completely stopped all bot signups.

I was getting roughly a dozen attempted bot signups per day before, but now I don't seem to be getting any. So I can personally confirm this honeypot works well!

So if anyone is having an issue with weird bot signups, make sure to check that your embedded forms contain this line.

'what this code do ??