Email header and footer


New Member
In my customer account I have two delivery servers configured, one with a domain for English campaigns and another for French campaigns. Therefore, I need to have different headers and footers for the campaigns, since ones are in English and others are in French. I've already been exploring the settings and on the forum, but I can't find how I can configure different headers and footers.
Is it possible to do this?
You can create two groups, one for english and another for french then from Backend > Groups > Campaigns you can set Email header and Email footer for each group. Then assign each customer to specific group.

Also we have a a hook called
and you can use this hook to translate some text to desired language.

Create a file apps/init-custom.php and add some code like this:
    hooks()->addFilter('console_command_send_campaigns_after_prepare_email', function($emailParams, $server) {
        // Check if delivery server name is that for french
        if ($server->name == "french server name") {
            $emailParams['body'] = str_replace('Your english text', 'Your text in another language', $emailParams['body']);
        return $emailParams;
Thank you for the reply.
So, I assume we can only have one header and footer by customer?
Coding seems a good way to do it, will try it.
Thanks for the solution.