Elastic Email vs SendGrid


New Member
We're going to be using Mailwizz as an ESP, and am toying with Elastic Email or SendGrid.

I am keen on using Elastic Email cos they are slightly cheaper, but in the past (using Acelle, sorry to mention them), we tried both, and found that Elastic Email didn't allow our customers to verify a custom domain directly in the app, they had to do this in Elastic Email directly, whereas SendGrid allowed us to have a closed system without sending customers away.

Is that still the case, any recommendations on an ESP that is cheaper than SG, but allows you to keep everything in-app?
but allows you to keep everything in-app?
Maybe your own PMTA infrastructure where you can control all these aspects.

Otherwise, each provider will have you verify the senders in a way or another and as far as MailWizz is concerned, it only cares about the details you add when you add a delivery server to be correct, it assumes you know what you are doing when you add a delivery server.
PMTA could be a good shout, trying to keep things simple to start off with.

So if we're using MW as an ESP, and my customers want to add a custom domain for their email sending, is this the same process for both Elastic Email and SendGrid?