Delivery servers usage issue


New Member
Trying to solve issue... We have two delivery servers. Both assigned for one customer. One is the old DS1, which was previously used for all types of mailings. Recently, we added another one, DS2, to separate different types of emails. The idea is that DS2 should be used for confirmation emails and certain specific campaigns, while DS1 should only handle promotional campaigns.

Currently, in the settings for DS2, the "Use for" option is set to "All," while for DS1, it's set to "Campaigns" only. However, when checking the delivery servers usage logs, it's noticeable that DS1 is being used for both Campaigns and List mailings.

Could you please help to solve this issue:
  1. What might be the problem? What settings might we have overlooked, or what should we check to ensure that the servers are being used according to their configurations?
  2. Additionally, if we select a specific server during the campaign creation, for example, DS1, will only that server be used? Or could DS2 be automatically engaged in certain cases? (Both servers have the same quotas, and there should be enough capacity.)
Thanks in advance!
@pavelleonov - this should not happen, if the delivery server is set for certain areas, it should stay in those areas, like in your case, DS1 should only send campaigns. You say it also sends for lists, what emails more specifically are sent with DS1?
Currently, we are sending out the following types of emails:
  • Subscription confirmation emails (these should go through DS2, as it's configured for "All").
  • Welcome emails, sent immediately after confirmation (we have a choice between DS1 and DS2, and DS2 is set for these campaigns).
  • Campaigns for subscriber segments (we choose the server depending on the segment, either DS1 or DS2).
Although DS1 is configured for "Campaigns" only, we see that confirmation emails are also being sent from it.

We also noticed yesterday that despite selecting DS1 for a specific campaign, emails were sent from DS2 as well. At that time, welcome emails were also being sent (they were on Pause for some time, yesterday Unpaused them), but there shouldn’t have been so many of them. So we concluded that DS2 was also used for the campaign where we selected DS1. Unfortunately, in the delivery servers usage logs, we cannot see the specific campaign names to understand exactly what belongs to what.

It's worth mentioning that in the Cron-Delivery settings, the "Change server at 200" option was enabled, and we tried disabling it. However, we didn’t notice any changes.

Maybe you could advise us on specific settings to check that could be causing these conflicts
Although DS1 is configured for "Campaigns" only, we see that confirmation emails are also being sent from it.
I just took a look at the code and I can see only list servers are selected for this:
     * @param CEvent $event
     * @return void
     * @throws Exception
    public function _sendSubscribeConfirmationEmail(CEvent $event)
        /** @var ListSubscriber $subscriber */
        $subscriber = $event->params['subscriber'];

        /** @var Lists $list */
        $list = $event->params['list'];

        $dsParams = ['useFor' => [DeliveryServer::USE_FOR_LIST_EMAILS]];
        if (!($server = DeliveryServer::pickServer(0, $event->params['list'], $dsParams))) {
            // since 2.1.4

            throw new Exception(t('app', 'Email delivery is disabled at the moment, please try again later!'));
So as I said, it should only pick the ones for lists, so something is going on here in this case.
@laurentiu - could you please check this and let me know your findings?
@pavelleonov - give us a bit of time to run some tests for this.

Unfortunately, in the delivery servers usage logs, we cannot see the specific campaign names to understand exactly what belongs to what.
Have a look in the campaign_delivery_log, that table has a pk to the delivery server used for each email that went out for campaigns.
Sorry for the offtop but got into the campaign_delivery_log. Noticed that welcome emails set to "after subscription" and "including current subscribers - no" are sent not only to new subscribers, but also to old subscribers. As i said these campaigns have been on pause for a while and yesterday we unpaused them. Could this be caused by a paused/unpaused action?
Should the subscribers "date added" in the campaign_delivery_log be the same as the "date added" at the list subscribers? Because now they are different. Maybe this is the reason that welcome letters are sent to both new and old?
Old subscribers in this case probably means subscribers that this campaign tries to catch up with, which explains this behavior because you have paused the campaign, lots of subscribers accumulated, now you have unpaused it and it tried to send to all of those...?
@laurentiu - could you please check this and let me know your findings?
I tested and seems that all it's working correctly, i can't find any issue with delivery servers, if delivery server is set to send only campaigns then that server will send only campaigns , if is set to send list emails then this will send only list emails and so on...
Old subscribers in this case probably means subscribers that this campaign tries to catch up with, which explains this behavior because you have paused the campaign, lots of subscribers accumulated, now you have unpaused it and it tried to send to all of those...?
That was my assumption, so it seems that's how it works. To prevent it from sending to "old" ones after unpausing, we should simply create the welcome campaign again.
I tested and seems that all it's working correctly, i can't find any issue with delivery servers, if delivery server is set to send only campaigns then that server will send only campaigns , if is set to send list emails then this will send only list emails and so on...
Could this possibly be related to the fact that we are not using the latest version of MailWizz, using 1.9.48?