Deleting campaigns didn't work


Active Member
I ran the following command:
php -q /apps/console/console.php delete-campaigns --time="-24 months" --type="regular" --verbose=1
Are you sure you want to delete the campaigns that are older than "2022-01-02 20:23:20" date? (yes|no) [no]:yes
Remove drafts as well? (yes|no) [no]:yes
This action will delete xxx campaigns. Proceed? (yes|no) [no]:yes
[2024-01-02 20:23:55] - DONE, took 12.3289 seconds!
But nothing seems to have been deleted? I still see campaigns and in mysql I still see all the data under campaign_url, campaign_track_open, etc
But nothing seems to have been deleted? I still see campaigns and in mysql I still see all the data under campaign_url, campaign_track_open, etc
These will be deleted when daily corn will run, when delete-campaigns is runing this command only will change some stats in database then when daily command will run at midnight this command will delete everything related to these campaigns.
These will be deleted when daily corn will run, when delete-campaigns is runing this command only will change some stats in database then when daily command will run at midnight this command will delete everything related to these campaigns.