Custom subscriber attachment - improvement points


Hey there
I just bought "MailWizz EMA - Custom subscriber attachment" and did some tests to understand how it works and does the job, well done.

At the moment 3 things are bothering me:
#1 For the customer, when creating his campaign, it would have been practical to be able to create a folder on the fly and download the attachments at that time
Custom subscriber attachment.png
#2 I feel like all customers have access to all folders, including other customers's folders and their attachments. At the level of confidentiality, it is lost
#3 It would also have been useful to be able to activate/deactivate the option for certain groups (a bit like email verification allows for example)
email verification group allow.png

What do you think of these points?
Thank you for your help!
I feel like all customers have access to all folders, including other customers's folders and their attachments. At the level of confidentiality, it is lost
Yes, you ar right but keep in mind that the files are added here by one single administrator which upload all files for all customers.
All your points are valid and we will be thinking in the future about these suggestions.
At this moment we do not have plans for this extension improvements.
@twisted1919 - What do you say?