Create Campaign API Add Smtp


New Member
Which parameter should be added in the create function for the mailwizz api to work.

$response = $endpoint->create([
    'name'          => 'My API Campaign', // required
    'type'          => 'regular', // optional: regular or autoresponder
    'from_name'     => 'John Doe', // required
    'from_email'    => '', // required
    'subject'       => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // required
    'reply_to'      => '', // required
    'send_at'       => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 hours')), // required, this will use the timezone which customer selected
    'list_uid'      => 'LIST-UNIQUE-ID', // required
    'segment_uid'   => 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID',// optional, only to narrow down

    // optional block, defaults are shown
    'options' => [
        'url_tracking'      => 'no', // yes | no
        'json_feed'         => 'no', // yes | no
        'xml_feed'          => 'no', // yes | no
        'plain_text_email'  => 'yes',// yes | no
        'email_stats'       => null, // a valid email address where we should send the stats after campaign done

        // - if autoresponder uncomment bellow:
        //'autoresponder_event'            => 'AFTER-SUBSCRIBE', // AFTER-SUBSCRIBE or AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN
        //'autoresponder_time_unit'        => 'hour', // minute, hour, day, week, month, year
        //'autoresponder_time_value'       => 1, // 1 hour after event
        //'autoresponder_open_campaign_id' => 1, // INT id of campaign, only if event is AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN,

        // - if this campaign is advanced recurring, you can set a cron job style frequency.
        // - please note that this applies only for regular campaigns.
        //'cronjob'         => '0 0 * * *', // once a day
        //'cronjob_enabled' => 1, // 1 or 0

    // required block, archive or template_uid or content => required.
    'template' => [
        //'archive'         => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/'),
        //'template_uid'    => 'TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID',
        'content'           => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.html'),
        'inline_css'        => 'no', // yes | no
        'plain_text'        => null, // leave empty to auto generate
        'auto_plain_text'   => 'yes', // yes | no

echo '<hr /><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Which parameter should be added in the create function for the mailwizz api to work.
If you modify in this function list_uid with one list uid from your app and template_uid with one of your template then this will create a campaign for you.

Optional parameters are not required so you can remove this if you want.
Bellow example of working function:

$response = $endpoint->create(array(

    'name'          => 'My API Campaign 1111', // required

    'type'          => 'regular', // optional: regular or autoresponder

    'from_name'     => 'John Doe', // required

    'from_email'    => '', // required

    'subject'       => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // required

    'reply_to'      => '', // required

    'send_at'       => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 hours')), // required, this will use the timezone which customer selected

    'list_uid'      => 'cy0045qfwoe93', // required

    'template' => array(

        'content'           => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.html'),


I wanna connect SMTP in create campaign Api like
you can add the 'delivery_servers' param, to your API call, like:
$response = $endpoint->create([
    'name'          => 'My API Campaign', // required
    'type'          => 'regular', // optional: regular or autoresponder
    'from_name'     => 'John Doe', // required
    'from_email'    => '', // required
    'subject'       => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // required
    'reply_to'      => '', // required
    'send_at'       => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 hours')), // required, this will use the timezone which customer selected
    'list_uid'      => 'LIST-UNIQUE-ID', // required
    'segment_uid'   => 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID',// optional, only to narrow down

     // !!! SEE THIS !!!
     'delivery_servers' => '1234, 3333, 4444',

    // optional block, defaults are shown
    'options' => [
        'url_tracking'      => 'no', // yes | no
        'json_feed'         => 'no', // yes | no
        'xml_feed'          => 'no', // yes | no
        'plain_text_email'  => 'yes',// yes | no
        'email_stats'       => null, // a valid email address where we should send the stats after campaign done

        // - if autoresponder uncomment bellow:
        //'autoresponder_event'            => 'AFTER-SUBSCRIBE', // AFTER-SUBSCRIBE or AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN
        //'autoresponder_time_unit'        => 'hour', // minute, hour, day, week, month, year
        //'autoresponder_time_value'       => 1, // 1 hour after event
        //'autoresponder_open_campaign_id' => 1, // INT id of campaign, only if event is AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN,

        // - if this campaign is advanced recurring, you can set a cron job style frequency.
        // - please note that this applies only for regular campaigns.
        //'cronjob'         => '0 0 * * *', // once a day
        //'cronjob_enabled' => 1, // 1 or 0

    // required block, archive or template_uid or content => required.
    'template' => [
        //'archive'         => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/'),
        //'template_uid'    => 'TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID',
        'content'           => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/template-example.html'),
        'inline_css'        => 'no', // yes | no
        'plain_text'        => null, // leave empty to auto generate
        'auto_plain_text'   => 'yes', // yes | no

echo '<hr /><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
In the above case, the campaign will use the delivery servers with the id: 1234, 3333, 4444.
Hi, can you tell me where you got this param "delivery_servers". I didn't see this param in the document can you please provide me where I can see this param.