Confirm subscription via API


New Member
I assumed this should have been asked before but i couldn't find anything, so:

Is it possible to confirm a subscription via API call?

Thanks in advance!

I want to route users confirming their subscription to a non-mailwizz page, that should trigger the confirmation.
I searched the API for something like confirmSubscriberByEmail.
After that i tried to build my own confirm-subscription-url but the confirm subscription email template does not provide a [SUBSCRIBERS_UID] tag, even if the [CONFIRM_URL] tag has it included.

Any other way to tackle this?
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I solved it by using the mail tag and emailSearch. Avoiding that redundant call would be nice nevertheless.
Is it possible to confirm a subscription via API call?
There's a reason for this.
Your subscribers must confirm the subscriptions by their own, you should not interfere in this process at all.
If you're in a situation where your leads don't need confirmation, then simply use single opt-in in your list settings, and then no need for confirmation.
There's a reason for this.
Your subscribers must confirm the subscriptions by their own, you should not interfere in this process at all.
If you're in a situation where your leads don't need confirmation, then simply use single opt-in in your list settings, and then no need for confirmation.
This makes sense. Although i thought it would be ok as well to act as a "man in the middle". If users click on the confirmation link, i'll handle it and call the backend to confirm the user

My goal is to have the users on my homepage after confirmation not on a separate mailwizz confirmation page. Is there a way to not show them the 'subscription confirmed' page but to redirect them to my own site?
Oh this is perfect, thank you very much!

I'll have a better look at the MailWizz kb next time!