Clicks Not Tracking


I been working on a compaign and sending myself some test emails. But in noticed that my click arent getting tracked when I email myself. My email is a google workspace (gmail) if that helps. I also noticed also that my campaigns have 30% open rates but the clicks are really low.

I think this is what tracks the clicks corret?

Screenshot 2024-08-11 at 6.57.38 PM.png
Are your email links transformed into tracking links? If you click them in the email, do they redirect you to the right location? If so, then there's nothing wrong with the tracking process.
Are your email links transformed into tracking links? If you click them in the email, do they redirect you to the right location? If so, then there's nothing wrong with the tracking process.
I have no clue as to what transforming them into tracking links mean. I just know that when I send my campaign, it tells me how many clicks I received and which links they clicked.

I was doing a test campaign with just my email. I would send it to myself then open and click and my licks would not reflect. Then i waited a while and it would show my click. But i clicked on 4 different links on my email and it still only showed 1 clicks on the page im showing you below. So if I click on 5 different links on my email it only registers as one click?

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 9.18.08 PM.png
That's because yoiu might be looking at unique clicks. Inside the campaign overview, click the number of clicks and opens, it will show you detailed stats about who clicked, which link, how many times, etc.
But what are tracking links
They are links converted by mailwizz to be able to track your subscribers click actions, you will see that in your campaign in MailWizz, you see your links as you have created them, but when you send a campaign, in your email client, links will look totally different, those are tracking links.