captcha for list


Active Member
hello @twisted1919
you think is it possible to add captcha to form signup generated from mwizz?
without is the risk to get a lot of fake email address
hello @twisted1919
you think is it possible to add captcha to form signup generated from mwizz?
without is the risk to get a lot of fake email address
hey @Niko you can use any good form builder and put any of these measures in yourself, it is not hard: the sign-ups through a verifier, use a captcha for human test, build-in a time delay, restrict IP-repeat, exclude certain domains, switch the list(s) to double-optin, etc...
hi @frm.mwz we use mwizz as ESP,sois impossible manage the form manualy for each clients.
I hope you understand, for my use is not a problem but I can't check each activity of clients.
hi @frm.mwz we use mwizz as ESP,sois impossible manage the form manualy for each clients.
I hope you understand, for my use is not a problem but I can't check each activity of clients.
You can prepare a standard form for them, then they only use it, just like the standard is prepared now, you just put the other tools in ;)