Campaign scheduling and cron execution problem


Dear guys,
I am writing to ask you how it is possible to do what I tell you below:

1- Sending scheduled campaign at 09.00 a.m. of today
2- The campaign starts correctly at the indicated time
3- A campaign scheduled at 09.05 a.m. of another customer still today does not start because the previous cron is running and is being processed until it ends

This is my cron page setup:


My problem to solve is that I would like the scheduled campaigns to respect the sending time that my customers set. Even if multiple campaigns are set up for sending at the same time on the cron side, this does not happen because until the cron ends and starts processing it will not consider new campaigns.

So how is it possible to make sure that the cron always checks for the presence of new campaigns and puts them in the sending queue without waiting to finish the process already in progress?

I await yours,
Thanks as always guys and see you soon!