Bounce with SES


New Member
I'm seeing emails show up in my suppression list on AWS, but my bounce stats show ZERO on my campaigns. Am I correct that SES bounces are handled automatically?

I'm using SES as my delivery server through the Secret Access Key as specified in your tutorial.
Yes, my email addresses are verified.

To be clear - I should not expect to see bounce stats in the campaign stats.

Gotcha, my advice is to remove the SNS topics from aws, and remove the delivery server from mailwizz as well, then add it again following the tutorial. It should create a new SNS topic which will point to your MailWizz app. The SNS Topic name is also specific to MailWizz, its name is something like MWZHANDLER_X_ where _X_ is your server id.
@Ndworman - I see your SNS uses http and your site runs under https and redirects the http traffic to https, so you'll have to either modify your SNS manually or remove and add your delivery server once again. And make sure you access your mailwizz app under https as well and that from backend > settings > system urls, you save your changes and the values there use https after you save them.