Automatic tracking of openers and clickers


New Member
I understand that if I want to track clickers and openers, I need to use custom fields for this purpose. Here's how this could be (to the best of my knowledge) setup:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 18.54.38.png
Clickers (nevermind the unsubscribe URL tag, I know it should be set to All):
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 18.57.24.png

But the question is, do I have to do this for every campaign I send? I'd like to set up an automatic funnel where people have a list membership based on their email activity. So leads can naturally flow from cold -> openers -> clickers, and then perhaps within openers & clickers I can further do some segmentation based on when their last click/open happened, so I'm able to sunset a lead that has not had any activity for a long time.

Is there any generally advised way to do this? I guess that it's a bit of an overhead if I have to remember to set this up on every campaign, instead of setting up just specific tags on special clicks within an email.

I understand that if I want to track clickers and openers, I need to use custom fields for this purpose. Here's how this could be (to the best of my knowledge) setup:
You can segment your list to only include openers/clickers of a certain campaign. Create such segments and use those.
I've got clients that want to collect this automatically. So while I see that there's another approach, it would still be manual. Is there a way to get one of the approaches to work automatically? I'm also capable of writing an extension if you could outline some general contours or hooks that such extension could make use of, just not sure what's the best approach here.