All Opens not displaying in Mail Wizz using Spark Post


New Member
Any ideas on what I need to fix?

I sent my first campaign from Mail Wizz using a Spark Post server.

I sent 100 emails. After 2 hours, sparkpost shows 17 opens.

Mail Wizz shows 3 opens.

Is there something that I need to update or change in Mail Wizz to get the correct opens?

Check your email source and look for the tracking pixel, copy it in your browser address bar and load it, then check your stats for opens for that campaign, by going to open details not in overview, and you should see the open triggered. if you don't see it, something is off with your campaign settings, if you do see it, it means tracking works fine and something else prevents your tracking pixel to load in all cases.
As far as we're aware, there's no problem with MailWizz's open/click tracking.