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  1. Louis Nguyen

    Sending Email correct code

    ah, if i don't chooce inline css it correct but if i choice it change. But gmail like inline css.
  2. Louis Nguyen

    Sending Email correct code

    I want sending email with raw code. But when i save the html code is change.
  3. Louis Nguyen

    What server I must use for Bounce Server?

    I think Amazon SNS. But don't know how :D
  4. Louis Nguyen

    Nginx server basic configuration for mailwizz

    Permission wrong with subdomain,fix permission path and solve this.
  5. Louis Nguyen

    Process campaigns using Redis Queue.

    If i install it i will add more cronjob like * * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /absolute/path/to/apps/console/console.php queue --workers=10 --interval=5 --verbose=0 >/dev/null 2>&1 & right ? I'm test and php_info() : pcntl Jason Greene, Arnaud Le Blanc but when run /usr/local/bin/php -q...