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  1. R

    Autoresponder after someone hasn't open previous mail

    Just read this topic from the beginning till end. You will find an answer for your question Really. Could you reply back whether you found it or not?
  2. R

    Autoresponder after someone hasn't open previous mail

    I already bought Mailwizz, and it's saying that this is an Email Marketing software, not a script for mass spam. I'm not requesting an advanced features, this is really a basic things
  3. R

    Autoresponder after someone hasn't open previous mail

    And still... Why author does not care about customers and cannot make a proper marketing application with all those feature that people listed in this thread? I'm using 1.5.7 and can't find how to send AR-camp to those subscribers who unopened more than 1 camp... Also why we need no dance...
  4. R

    DKIM validation sucks

    so why not fix? p.s. im not here to flood forum, so as you, so please...
  5. R

    MailWizz Email Original Header

    What about X-Mw-EBS X-Mw-Delivery-Sid Feedback-ID List-Id Precedence X-Mw-Customer-Uid X-Report-Abuse X-Sender What the purpose of each?
  6. R

    DKIM validation sucks

    $35 per hour PM me mailtoolbox can, you dont?
  7. R

    DKIM validation sucks

    i got 2 dkim because of email service provider. pic#1 I tuned up SPF and 2 DKIM's But mailwizz cant see that pic#2 I thought that i dumb, but when i checked altered service: pic#3 MX toolbox validate well Anyway, i just checked that sending domain is correct and mark "Validate" to...
  8. R

    Create segments Empty Data Display

    ALSO: add please "if else" statements in email templates. i want to write a simple script that will put FNAME and LNAME if it exsist in content of my email Because [TAG:filter:defaultValue()] - doesnt work with FNAME and LNAME greetings. Its a base feature of all email marketing application!
  9. R

    Create segments Empty Data Display

    Shame on you, 1.5 years have passed and there are no progress on this problems. What a email marketing software cant provide feature to marketer, that will helps him to send different e-mail based on field completeness??? Please fix this, you have about 114669$ only on codecanyon for selling...
  10. R

    Base64 images not saving

    Are you sure?
  11. R

    Add remote php script as a sending server (not smtp)

    Thanks! I will add a custom delivery server. Where I can find an example of php script?
  12. R

    Add remote php script as a sending server (not smtp)

    I have a several php scripts that are using php mail to send emails. How can i add them to mailwizz?
  13. R

    Base64 images not saving

    im putting base64 images: <img alt="[EMAIL]" height="48" src=" ... //Z" style="width:48px;height:48px;display:block;border-radius:50%;" width="48" /> after saving template is become looking like: <img alt="[EMAIL]"...
  14. R

    Click tracking on dynamic tags

    1) i have field [LINK] = "" OR "" How to make Click Tracking working in this way ? 2) If i have = "" and template like this:[EMAIL] Click tracking is working 3) how to difine individual link for...
  15. R

    Open Actions and Custom fields

    1) What tags i can use in “Change subscriber custom field value upon campaign open” ? 2) Could i do somethins like i++ ? 3) Or insert DATETIME? 4) How can i track if subscriber opened campaign and dont move\copy to another list?