Recommended procedure for subject line A/B testing

p. bateman

New Member
I'm new to Mailwizz and am interested in testing two variants of a subject line. Is there an easy productized way to do it or is it manual? If manual, I think this is how it should be done, but I'd appreciate it if someone would confirm the order of operations:
  1. Create (split) two sublists from master list with say, 500 addresses each (does splitting choose a randomized selection of contacts from the list?)
  2. Create two campaigns, one targeting sublist A with subject line A and the other sublist B with subject line B
  3. Send each variant to its respective list.
  4. Manually observe the winner
  5. Create a campaign with the winning subject line and send to the remainder of addresses in the original master list
  6. (this is where I'm most confused... how do I do this?) Merge the two sublists back into the master list.

Thank you!
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Create a campaign with the winning subject line and send to the remainder of addresses in the original master list
You can send such campaign only to people that did not open the previous campaign for example, which will skip those 500 ;)
You can send such campaign only to people that did not open the previous campaign for example, which will skip those 500 ;)
Now that the drag & drop builder is out of the way (which framework is it based on actaully: zurb, mjlm, etc?), it would be great if you could attend to this looong requested feature of A/B/X split test. BIG thx :)
Hi Guys.

It is possible to split test by using [RANDOM_CONTENT:subject A|subject B|subject C] ?
I'm looking for flexible option which allows me to see which newsletter title is the best one :)

Thanks for suggestions.
Hi Guys.

It is possible to split test by using [RANDOM_CONTENT:subject A|subject B|subject C] ?
I'm looking for flexible option which allows me to see which newsletter title is the best one :)

Thanks for suggestions.
Yo can manually split a list and then test each part, until the A/B/X split test is a feature.